Author: AESGS

The centenary of the end of Great War and its significance November 11, 1918

The celebration of the Centenary of the Armistice of November 11, 1918, marking the end of the Great War (1914-1918), the role and place of Romania in the geopolitical, strategic and military evolutions of this period, as well as the road to the fulfilment of the great ideal of Romania’s reunification were the subject of comments and analysis from the talk show Texts and pretexts from Radio Romania Cultural, from November 10, 2018, conducted by journalists Răzvan DOLEA and Valentin PROTOPOPESCU, with the participation of the President of the AESGS “Gheorghe I. Bratianu” Board of Directors, PhD Constantin CORNEANU...

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From Their Romania to Our Romania

The developments within the internal and international political life in 2017, the attitudes and behavior of the Romanian political leaders at the end of 2017, the hopes and dreams of Romanians after December 22, 1989, as well as those unforgettable moments of December 1989, represented the theme of a new Agenda Săptămânală broadcast on December 27, 2017, entitled From Their Romania to Our Romania, presented by journalist and foreign politics analyst Col. (r) Ion PETRESCU Ph.D. with the participation of the president of AESGS “Gheorghe I. Brătianu,” Constantin CORNEANU...

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Changing a world: The Romanian Revolution of December 1989

In the context of the anniversary of 28 years from the onset and unfolding of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989, the president of the AESGS “Gheorghe I. Brătianu” (The ”Gheorghe I. Brătianu” European Association of Geopolitical and Strategic Studies), Constantin CORNEANU Ph.D., took part in a debate organized by journalist George POPESCU at Radio România Actualități, within the Probleme la zi broadcast, on December 22, 2017, during the 13.20 – 14.00 time interval, along with historian Florian BANU Ph.D. from CNSAS (National Council within the Study of the Securitate Files) and Sorin MEȘTER, secretary of state for the...

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Battle of Mărăști

Given the anniversary of 100 years from the outcome of the Mărăști Battle (July 11 – 19, 1917), component of the Mărăști – Mărășești – Oituz triptychon, which symbolizes the courage and will to never give up, journalist and foreign politics analyst col. (r) Ion PETRESCU Ph.D. initiated a debate concerning this historical moment within the Ziua Z broadcast of July 13, 2017. The assessment of the internal and international context of the development of the Entente campaign, and implicitly, Romania’s campaign of 1917, the formulas for recovering of military capacity of the Romanian Army, the Russian Revolution of...

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The Kings and Queens of Romania

In the context of the 100th anniversary of Romania’s entry into the Great War, in what was to become the War of our Unification (1916-1919), the role and place of the monarchic institution, namely of King Ferdinand I and Queen Mary, in the political-diplomatic and military activities of Romania between 1916 and 1919, the relationship with the Romanian Armed Forces and the Romanian nation, the relations established with the representatives of the Entente and not only, became the subject of a new talk show Day Z on August 4, 2016, entitled “The Kings and Queens of Romania” conducted by...

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