The President of the Board of Directors

PhD Constantin CORNEANU

e-mail: president [a]

Vice-president of the Board of Directors


e-mail: vicepresident [a]

General Secretary

Mihaela GOLBAN  

e-mail: office [a]

The Board of Directors

I. The Board of Directors (21.10.2009 – 27.01.2011)

The President of the Board of Directors – PhD Constantin CORNEANU

Vice-president of the Board of Directors – avocat Adrian ISCRU

General Secretary – Mihaela GOLBAN

II. The Board of Directors (27.01.2011 – 30.11.2011)

The President of the Board of Directors – PhD Constantin CORNEANU

Vice-president of the Board of Directors – Manuel DONESCU

General Secretary – Mihaela GOLBAN

III. The Board of Directors  (30.11.2011 – 05.12.2015)

The President of the Board of Directors – PhD Constantin CORNEANU

Vice-president of the Board of Directors – avocat Mugur JIANU

General Secretary – Mihaela GOLBAN

IV. The Board of Directors  (05.12.2015 -06.12.2019)

The President of the Board of Directors – PhD Constantin CORNEANU

Vice-president of the Board of Directors – avocat Mugur JIANU

General Secretary – Mihaela GOLBAN)

V. The Board of Directors  (06.12.2019 -…)

The President of the Board of Directors – PhD Constantin CORNEANU

Vice-president of the Board of Directors – avocat Mugur JIANU

General Secretary – Mihaela GOLBAN)

President of the Board of Directors

PhD Constantin CORNEANU
Is a Romanian historian, also specialized in geopolitics. He is a founding member and Chairman of ‘Gheorghe I. Brătianu’ European Association for Geopolitical and Strategic Studies (AESGS) Board of Directors from September 2009. Prior to founding AESGS, he was an advisor in the Romanian Government Office for the Management of Relations with the Republic of Moldova (June 1st, 2004 – July 31st, 2007) and a journalist for the Press Trust of the Ministry of National Defence at the TV Pro-Patria editorial office (1999 – 2000) and the Military Observatory (2000 – 2004). He has more than two decades of experience in the field of international relations analysis, his area of expertise including foreign affairs and security policies, particularly in the former Soviet space, as well as the relationship between the Republic of Moldova and Romania. He received his PhD in history in 2003 with a thesis on Romania’s geopolitics during the Second World War. He graduated from the National Defence College (1998) and the Faculty of History (1994) within the University of Bucharest. He authored of the following published works: Sub povara marilor decizii (Ist edition, Scripta Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007 and the IInd edition, Cetatea de Scaun Publishing House, Târgoviște, 2013); Victorie însângerată. Decembrie 1989 Cetatea de Scaun Publishing House, Târgoviște, 2014), as well as numerous scientific articles published in the journals Europa XXI, Revista de Istorie Militară, Document (Buletinul Arhivelor Militare Române), Dosarele Istoriei, Istorie și Civilizație, Historia, Lumea Magazin. He was nominated for the Grand Award of the Romanian Press Club for talk-show for the year 2000 with the TV production Balcanii în flăcări. Co-editor of Prăbușirea Imperiului Sovietic. Lecții‘  în retrospectivă (Cetatea de Scaun Publishing House, Târgoviște, 2012). From March 1st, 2010 to August 10th, 2015, he was a researcher at the Institute of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 and a member of the Scientific Council of this institution. He has published numerous studies, articles and editorials on the Romanian Revolution of December 1989, as a researcher and Editorial Director of Caietele Revoluției (in 2012) publication. He worked as an IA museographer at the National Fire Museum from January 15th, 2016 to August 31st, 2018. From August 17th, 2018 to May 27th, 2019 he served as Deputy Director General of IRRD 1989 and then as Scientific Director of IRRD 1989 (Institute of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989) (June 1st, 2019 – September 16th, 2021). In the interval January 15th, 2020 – May 31st, 2022 he was editor-in-chief of the magazine Enigmele Istoriei. As of September 1st, 2022 he has been the editor-in-chief of CLIO magazine published by ‘Teohari Antonescu’ County Museum of Giurgiu and, also IIIrd degree scientific researcher at the Institute of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 (since April 18th, 2023).

Vice-president of the Board of Directors


Has been Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the European Association for Geopolitical and Strategic Studies “Gheorghe I. Bratianu” since November 30, 2011. He graduated from the Faculty of Law (1994) of the Ecological University in Bucharest. Prior to joining the AESGS team, he gained managerial experience within the TAROM National Company (1995 – 2001) and has been a member of the Bucharest Bar Association since 2001.

General Secretary

Mihaela GOLBAN

Has been a founding member and general secretary of the European Association for Geopolitical and Strategic Studies “Gheorghe I. Bratianu” (AESGS) since September 2009. She is a law graduate, an expert in culture and adult education (EU Consult and the University Extension Service, Skaerum Molle, DK – 1996). He graduated from the Faculty of Public Administration of the “Athaeneum” University of Bucharest (2006), postgraduate course in library science and information science at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest (2007 – 2008) and is the translator of several works of universal literature.

International Relations Department, Geopolitical and Strategic Analysis

PhD Constantin CORNEANU

Is a founding member and has been the President of the ”Gheorghe I. Brătianu” European Association for Geopolitical and Strategic Studies (EAGSS) Board of Directors since September 2009 and coordinator of the International Relations Department, Geopolitical and Strategic Analysis.

Cultural Department


Is a graduate of the University of Craiova, Faculty of Letters, specialized in English Language and Literature – French Language and Literature (class of 2003) and of „The Science and Practice of Translation” masters obtained from the Faculty of Letters within the University of Pitețti (2004 – 2006). She has a Ph.D. in philology, with a thesis on Marin Sorescu’s poetry (The Structure and Expressiveness of Poetic Language in the Works of Marin Sorescu). Her interests lie in the cultural, theater and literary field. She graduated from the art management classes at the ARTMARK Art Management Institute and is a  coordinator of the Cultural Department within „Gheorghe I. Brătianu” EAGSS (e-mail:



Colonel in Reserve, Doctor of Military Sciences, Scientific Researcher I. He graduated from Bucharest University and Military Academy. After 1990 he attended the courses of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Federation (1990-1992), for military strategy issues, and of the “George C. Marshall” College in Germany (1995) for security issues. He had various roles in the structures of the Ministry of National Defence and in the Presidential Administration. Author of studies and analyses in the field of defence published in Gândirea Militară Românească Magazine. He was co-author and coordinator of works published under the aegis of Editura Militara. After his resignation he worked as a scientific researcher, head of department and scientific manager of the Defence and Security Strategic Studies Centre of “Carol I” National Defence University. He is the author of scientific papers (Geopolitics: dependence on energy resources, Space and the future of war) and of studies published in Impact Strategic and Gândirea Militară Românescă magazines, co-author of papers, studies and analyses published by UNAp Publishing House “Carol I”. He participated with communications in security debates within scientific sessions, seminars and round tables in the country and abroad.


PhD Vasile BUGA

Doctor in history and associate scientific researcher at the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism (INST) of the Romanian Academy, coordinator of the Center for Russian and Soviet Studies “Florin Constantiniu” within the INST. Specialized in the issues of Romanian-Soviet and Romanian-Russian relations, as well as USSR History. Author of papers, studies and articles on internal and foreign affairs regarding the history and geopolitics of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. Publications: The sunset of an Empire. USSR in the Gorbachev era (1985-1991), INST Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007; On the edge of a knife. Romanian-Soviet relations (1965 – 1989), INST Publishing House, Bucharest, 2014; Power and society. Communist camp under the impact of destalinization (1956), INST Publishing House, Bucharest, 2006 (coordinated with Dan Cătănuş); A hot summer in Romanian-Soviet relations. The talks in Moscow from July 1964, INST Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012; Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej at Stalin. 1944-1952, INST Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012 (editor with Dan Cătănuş); Under the magnifying glass of Moscow. Foreign Policy of Romania (1965-1989), INST Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015.


EAGSS Expert-associates 2011 – 2017 :

PhD Miruna Mădălina TRANDAFIR (2011 – 2012)

PhD Alexandru PURCĂRUȘ (2012 – 2013)

PhD Constantin CORNEANU

PhD Constantin CORNEANU

President EAGSS




Director Cultural Department EAGSS




Expert Asociate EAGSS
